Upcoming Club Events
Winter 2017 / 2018
23 November 2017 Thanksgiving Day WOD 8:00 am - Pre Stuffing WOD at
the Armory
9 December 2017 Saturday Ladies Night Out 7:00- 9:00pm 2 hours
of fun and fitness, DJ, BYOB. A CrossFit based low skilled fun fitness event.
Bring a friend, learn a little about CrossFit and have a blast. Socialize post
workout glass of wine, Dance to the DJ - it's a great time. You are going to
have a blast!!
1 January
2018 Polar Bear Plunge - Details to Follow
These events are seriously worth attending. I remember going to a seminar six months back. It was a lovely day with lots of information gathered from experts. One of the sophisticated event space San Francisco was well organized for interested candidates. Many teams of educational counselors bought their courses to study.