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Updated PAC Programs and Events

Please make a note of our updated programs and events for fall 2016. We've had to change a few programs, and have added several more, to better serve you! Please contact us with questions or if you need additional information.

Another important note is about our Facebook pages. For several years, we have been maintaining and updating two Facebook pages that provide the same information to our club members and to the community. 

Over the next several weeks, we will be making the transition to one Facebook page to serve Pottstown Athletic Club / Pottstown CrossFit better. Please make a note of this page:

Here's our fall 2016 events...we hope to see you!

Begins Sept. 24: Weekend WODS at the Armory, Starting Saturday and Sunday 8:00 am Adults, 8:30 Youth begins 

Began Sept. 19: Iron Masters Fall Training – Pottstown High School in House CrossFit training sessions (15 sessions Sept – Dec).  

Sept. 25: Dragon Warrior Hoagie Sale Fundraiser 

Oct. 22: YMCA Staff Dragon Boat Tug O War 2:00 pm  

Oct. 29: PDBA Dragon Boat Paddling Clinic – At the Armory 

Oct. 30: Dragon Warrior Hoagie Sale Fundraiser  

Nov. 5: USAW Weightlifting Certification @ the Armory.

Nov. 12: Parents Night Out 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm  - get some Christmas shopping done, we will wear the kids out!

Thanksgiving Morning: WOD – 8:00 am at the Armory!

TBD: US Army Recruit Command Training Event.  

Dec. 3: Ladies Night Out 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Dec. 11: Dragon Warrior Hoagie Sale Fundraiser

Dec. 23: Ironmasters Inaugural Winter Classic  @ the Armory

TBD: 1-111 IN, PAARNG Competitive Training Series @ the Armory.  


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